What accessories should be in each car – Blog Voyage Le Prochain Voyage
Which accessories should be in each car
The Highway Code requires every motorist to have a safety belt’It is important to have a driver’s license, a car registration card, an insurance policy and a car registration number’insurance, as well as’a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. This is enough to successfully pass the road’It should be installed to warn other drivers in the event of an accident stop and in a number of inspections of the vehicle’Add some useful items to the list for long trips. We will try to tell you about these accessories and those that are still useful in the car in this article.
Mandatory accessories
- More than 10 years ago, the content of the’a medical kit in the car /was already approved. Previously, it was possible to have’act as medication, but today’Today, it is’It is mainly first aid material. It’s’It is above all materials for bandages, the’You can also offer a sailing course with the help of first aid materials, such as antiseptics and wound care products, to stop bleeding. C’It is up to the driver to decide which medicines should be in the vehicle. Anyone using them must be guided by the principle of “do no harm”.
- Fire extinguisher. The vehicle must be equipped with’a powder or carbon dioxide extinguisher that does not contain liquid or foam. It can extinguish burning fuel, electrical cables, rubber and plastics. The minimum amount of’The active ingredient is 2 liters or 2 kg for a passenger car.
- Panel of’stop sign’emergency. A sign of’stop d’The emergency vest is a small portable red triangle with a red light’A retroreflective surface, usually made of fiberglass or other material’other light and durable materials. It must be installed to warn other drivers in case of a traffic stop’It should be installed to warn other drivers in case of an accident and in a number of other situations’other cases prescribed by the highway code.
Additional accessories
- Reflective vest. A colored cape with reflective strips that makes you much more visible on the road, day and night. Once folded, it easily fits into a door pocket where it is always at hand when you need to hit the road. For example, to change a flat tire.
According to statistics, in 90% of pedestrian collisions in the U.S., there is no such thing as a pedestrian collision’In the dark, they were on the road in dark clothes without reflective elements.
- Torch. In case of’a night breakdown, even a small torch s’proves useful. It is best to’choose one with a head support that will allow you to have your hands free’have your hands free. Choose one that works with ordinary batteries and remember to have plenty in reserve.
- the first aid kit. The first aid kit is a lifeline in car accidents, when injured people need to be rescued’to be bandaged or revived as soon as possible’emergency. It also allows you to deal with minor accidents such as bruises during a trip’a tire change, accidental cuts or burns from spilled coffee.
Of course, this article is not a complete list of useful car accessories for your trip. The circumstances of interest’A long trip can evolve from a short trip to a long trip’no matter how. Therefore, each motorist has to choose individually the necessary accessories for his specific case.